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~ How ancestral archetypes influence us even today ~

How ancestral archetypes influence us even today






It turns out that even distant ancestors continue to influence your life – all our lives – to this very day. 

Maybe you've been suspicious of that fact since wondering if your interest in music was connected to grandfather's work as a music teacher – something you didn't learn about till after he had passed away.  

Or maybe you had one of those rare experiences – a 'deja visite' – being in a strange place for the very first time, feeling that everything was instantly familiar, only to discover that your ancestors had settled and built up the very same area centuries before.


There is a kind of inherited trajectory to our lives, a family track that's been with us since birth – just like genes for red hair, height or skin color.  There are things that we know, things that we do we can't explain except to say – ‘Just like grandma used to do’.


This isn't silly fancy as it turns out. Almost every day researchers are expanding our knowledge about genetic or ancestral memory.  We are learning that some psychological or physiological phenomena can be explained in part by experiences our ancestors had – both good and bad – that were coded to their DNA then passed to their descendants.  That's you and me!


Consider too that some of the more subtle influences in life – the hidden, mystical or spiritual forces heightening awareness and transforming consciousness – could also have been inherited from our forebears.


Inherited memories offer evolutionary evidence of our ancestors' capacity to survive and even thrive. The complex mix of lessons they learned and passed on to us can improve our chances to do likewise.


Discovering these influences, then translating them to our current lives, is the next step in a life-long personal growth process. 


So, once again, welcome!  The time must be right for you to ask questions about your family tree, important experiences in your ancestors’ lives, and the impact of those hidden influences on your own life today.


Sound like fun?  Let’s get started!  

How ancestral archetypes influence us even today
How ancestral archetypes influence us even today
How ancestral archetypes influence us even today
How ancestral archetypes influence us even today



There’s more to your family tree than you’ve been told, did you know?

How ancestral archetypes influence us even today

For more background about these new ideas 

download the Wisdom Tree slide deck here.

Your Family Tree

A fascinating hobby, a life long pursuit

How ancestral archetypes influence us even today

The Wisdom Tree

How ancestral archetypes influence us even today

A Wisdom Tree

of Your Own

Expand your family story to include insights offered by timeless symbols at work in your ancestral lineage.

How ancestral archetypes influence us even today
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